Looking for ways to get fit and have fun? Have you considered trying Spartan Races? Spartan Race is the global leader in obstacle course races. They have beginner courses all the way through advanced. Run with friends, get the family involved, and give it a try!
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Spartan race obstacles: Fun and Fitness Combined!
So, I recently had a brief discussion with my husband that went something like this:
Me: “Honey, I would really like to get a treadmill”
Him: “It is a waste of money. You wouldn’t use it. Just like the gym membership”
Me: “But, I really need to lose a few pounds and get in shape”
Him: “Well, we have a wonderful neighborhood…go run in it!”
See, the problem is…I HATE running in our neighborhood! It is unbelievably boring! I love hiking through mountain trails, camping, gardening…things that get me out in the woods where I can enjoy nature and get a little dirty!
Well, I recently came across an interesting fitness event called the Spartan Race that will certainly get a person dirty while still getting them in shape! If this sounds like fun to you, keep reading!
What is a Spartan Race?
Spartan racing is a new way to work out and push your body to the limits by running obstacle courses! There are many different styles of races, ranging from a muddy 3+- mile event with 10 or more obstacles and going up to 40+ mile events.
If you are a beginner, the challenging 5k sprint trail races would be the place to start but if you are a serious hard core workout enthusiast, they have races for you, too! Spartan Races was created with the idea that working out is not always torturous…it can be fun and entertaining! It may even be a way to exercise as a family and still enjoy it!
Where did they come up with the term Spartans?
Remember your history lessons? The Spartans were known for being tough! And in the world we live in today, that is a requirement! Spartan Race’s goal is to get you off your couch, throw you in the mud & trails, and give you a tough endurance event day that will be the adrenalin rush of your life.
Not up for an endurance test? They do offer kids and women’s events, too! These would definitely be more my speed. I would not have made a good Spartan! They also provide participants with a daily workout, a weekly newsletter, and inspiring blogs that will help you get from the couch to the finish line within 45 days.
Get Fit And Have Fun with Spartan Races for Kids and Adults
Have you ever participated in this type of event? I think it sounds a bit intimidating but it would be something the whole family could enjoy and get in shape at the same time! They have events all over the country and even overseas! Want to give it a try? Check out the book Creating the Ultimate Spartan Training on Amazon.
If you find one in your area to participate in, let me know how it goes! And if you want tips on how to run an obstacle course, check out Active.com for more info.
Diane is a professional blogger and nationally certified pharmacy technician at Good Pill Pharmacy. She earned her BS in Microbiology at the University of New Hampshire and has worked in cancer research, academics, and biotechnology. Concern over the growing incidence of human disease and the birth of her children led her to begin living a more natural life. She quickly realized that the information she was learning along the way could be beneficial to many others and started blogging and freelance writing to share this knowledge with others. Learn more about her HERE.