Bing in the Classroom Makes Internet Research Safer

I’m so thrilled to be partnering with Bing for today’s Bing in the Classroom post. All opinions are my own.

Many years ago, when my children were in elementary school,  I was working on a project with my daughter. We were putting together a collection of photos for a classroom project and we needed pictures of flowers.

Of course, being the computer loving girl that I am, we headed to the Internet to print some off the computer. Our search for ‘spring flowers’ resulted in a mostly naked woman with flowers strategically places over the x-rated bits.

Needless to say, I was horrified and quickly closed that search screen! It was my first experience with inappropriate material on the Internet but since then I have become much more aware of advertisements that my kids should NOT be seeing, even on seemingly harmless educational websites.

Now that my kids are teens, their classroom projects require almost constant access to the Internet, both at home and at school. I am always a bit worried that they will be exposed to online ads and material that may not be appropriate for kids their age.

Bing in the classroom is a convenient solution to protecting our kids from questionable advertising.

Bing in the Classroom Makes Internet Research Safer

Posts feature partner companies & may be sponsored. Post contains affiliate links & I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Emily and Bing in the Classroom

Technology is a HUGE part of education today, especially as kids get older and start middle and high school. With information changing so rapidly, online educational sources are often the most up to date.

Since it is hard to provide a stellar education without access to technology, we need a way to protect our kids from material they should not be seeing. With Bing in the Classroom, all advertising is removed, there are strict filters for adult content, and enhanced privacy protection.

Bing in the Classroom removes ads and blocks searches from being used for personalized advertising for all Bing searches done through the school’s network, making

Bing the only major search engine to provide a search offering tailored specifically for the classroom. Bing is offering #adfreesearch for all schools, which will help make our children’s online classroom experience safer! Watch the video below for more information about Bing in the Classroom!

Use Bing and Earn Rewards!

The  Bing Rewards program enables people to earn credits towards Surface tablets for a school of their choice simply by signing up and searching with Bing. Anyone can earn credits just by searching the web with Bing—similar to a frequent flyer program. Credits can be donated to help get free Microsoft Surface tablets for schools. It’s easy! All you have to do is stay signed in as you search with Bing.


How to Sign Up for Bing Rewards for your School:

To begin supporting schools with Bing rewards, simply visit the campaign landing page and select “Find your school” map in the lower right corner of the page.

Next, enter your school’s zip code and select the name of your school via the dropdown menu and select “Find”.

From here, select the “Support Your School” section and click on the “Try it now, FREE!” section. You’ll be prompted to create a Microsoft account, or sign in with your Facebook account. All you have to do is stay signed in as you search with Bing to earn credits.


I would love to encourage you to check out the new Bing in the Classroom initiative and get your school involved. Bing in the Classroom means a safer classroom experience for our kids and earning a few perks for our schools is a nice feature, too!

Please Spread the Message!



9 thoughts on “Bing in the Classroom Makes Internet Research Safer”

  1. I was really worried when I first signed the “allow your child access to the internet” paper at school. But with programs like this and security it has been a wonderful experience. The online world is second nature to kids now a days

    • Now my kids school has a ‘bring your own device’ program and I wont let mine bring them. Times are changing quickly for schools!

  2. My daughter uses Bing in her classroom and I feel good about that. I like to know they are practicing safe surfing rules in the schools.

  3. I need to use bing in the classroom. As a homeschooler, we depend on the internet a lot. It is always uncomfortable when something we don’t want pops across the screen or on the sidebar. THanks for sharing.

  4. I am all for restricting sites and turning off all ads for kids that are on the internet. There is way too much smutt for them to be exposed to and even with a parent right there trying their best to protect them; the trash still pops up. So I love this idea!

    • when kids are little they don’t always get the subtle messages these sites send out. But as teens, my kids seem to absorb it all!

  5. What a great program for schools. There is so much information out there on the web these days, that it is comforting to know that Bing is working to keep kids safe from the “junk”.


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