Grandma’s Back to Basics All Natural More Than Just a Cookbook

Grandma’s Back to Basics All Natural More Than Just a Cookbook  by Teresa Thompson is a wonderful resource for anyone interested in learning how get back to a more simple style of cooking.

Grandma's Back to Basics All Natural More Than Just a Cookbook

Back to Basics Cookbook

This cookbook is a paperback and has 281 pages of recipes. It includes chapters on Appetizers, Beverages, Breads, Breakfast, Desserts, Soups/Sandwiches, Sauces/Dressing, Vegetables, and Main Dishes. Every recipe uses simple and easy to find ingredients.

Things like whole wheat flour, real butter, eggs, and fresh fruits and vegetables. You will also find unique Carob recipes, recipes with sunflower seeds,  and apple cider vinegar recipes.


Grandma’s Back to Basics All Natural More Than Just a Cookbook

Also included in Grandma’s Back to Basics All Natural More Than Just a Cookbook are helpful hints and tips that come in handy in the kitchen. For example, there is a notation on how to make your own chili powder. 

Did you know that you can add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to baked beans to tenderize them and make them more flavorful?

I truly enjoyed finding a cookbook that didn’t call for cans of processed foods. I was even amazed to find a recipe for Kolaches, which are a sweet bread dough filled with all sorts of tasty breakfast fillings like eggs or fruit.

We haven’t been able to enjoy Kolaches since we moved to Georgia from Texas years ago. (The Kolache Factory is a popular chain in Texas similar to Dunkin Donuts) I can’t wait to try a home made version!

Ms. Thompson wrote Grandma’s Back to Basics All Natural More Than Just a Cookbook in response to her battle with food allergies.

This cookbook is the result of the author’s journey to remove artificial ingredients, chemicals, and processed foods from her diet. Buy this cookbook on Amazon!


3 thoughts on “Grandma’s Back to Basics All Natural More Than Just a Cookbook”

  1. Turning Back the Clock follower via Google and Networked Blogs.

    Oh, I love kolache’s!! My grandma used to make them, but I was too young to realize I should have paid attention to how she did it. Then we lived in Nebraska and had a lot of wonderul Czech restaurants near us. Everytime we go back I over-indulge in good homemade kolache’s!!!

    susan56bft at gmail dot com


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