GE energy saving light bulbs and a simple service project! #gelightingcfk #Cbias

As a part of the Social Fabric community, I often get the chance to participate in some pretty awesome campaigns. Sometimes I am trying new recipes and others I might be trying a new activity with the kids. This month, I have been given the chance to help a local organization that works with kids save money and reduce their carbon footprint by introducing them to GE energy saving light bulbs. For this #gelightingcfk  mission, I was provided with complementary light bulbs from GE and asked to put together a donation kit of other needed supplies for a local organization that works with children. As soon as I heard what I was being asked to do, I knew exactly who I would be helping with my GE lighting service project!

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GE energy saving light bulbs


See that picture above? That is my husband and my daughter when she was only 2 years old. Both of my children attended the First United Methodist Church preschool program from the time they were 2 until they went off to Kindergarten. In fact, I even taught there for 4 years! Boy, did that take a lot of patience…having a class full of 13 two year olds can be challenging! I originally chose the FUMC preschool for my kids because it was only a 3 hour program that met twice a week. As a stay at home mom, I didn’t need to find full time day care, I just wanted the kids to have a fun program to attend where they could learn to interact with peers, follow direction, and make messes in someone ELSE’S space once in a while! Sending them to preschool was fun for them and it gave me a little bit of free time to go to the grocery store alone! The teachers at this preschool were wonderful and they had enrichment programs like a science cart, media center, sand and water tables and tons of other fun but educational experiences for kids.

GE energy saving light bulbs

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GE energy saving light bulbs


For this GE Simple Service Project, I headed over to my local Walmart to check out the selection of GE energy saving light bulbs. I was really impressed with the selection of bulbs that they offered and found a ton of them on clearance! I always love to shop on sale! While I was at Walmart, I also picked up a number of other items that I know from experience all preschool teachers run out of. Craft supplies, chalk, hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes are always in high demand and I am hoping that the teachers at FUMC find them useful! I know that the GE energy saving light bulbs will come in handy, especially in the office areas. Every penny that the preschool saves on their energy bill is a penny that they can put back into resources for the children!

GE energy saving light bulbs


GE energy saving light bulbs can really help save money on the electric bill. Individual families aren’t the only ones who should consider making the switch to led light bulbs or cfl light bulbs. If you are curious about how much money these types of energy efficient light bulbs can save YOUR family, check out the GE Energy Savings Calculator. Want to learn more about GE energy saving light bulbs? Watch this short video!


GE would like to encourage everyone to take part in this mission by donating some GE energy saving light bulbs to an organization in your own community that you feel would benefit. Check out the Champions for Kids website to learn how you can be a part of this important mission. What exactly IS the the GE Energy Smart Challenge? Here is a summary in their own words:

Gather your friends, family and co-workers to switch out incandescent bulbs for GE Energy Smart® bulbs in your
home, workplace and neighborhood. Challenge each person to bring an extra pack of bulbs to donate to a local
charity or other community organization. Help families in your neighborhood save energy, money, and the planet!

  Don’t forget to print out the GE Lighting Coupon when you do your shopping!  If you would like to connect to GE you can find them on Facebook and Twitter.

You can stop back by next week to see my visit to the First United Methodist Church preschool and my donation of GE energy saving light bulbs and craft supplies. If you would like to see my shopping experience for this project you can check out my Google + album or check out the slideshow below!

Disclaimer:  As part of my partnership with GE, I received coupons for my GE energy saving light bulbs. All opinions posted about my GE Lighting experience are my own. I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective BiasChampions for Kids and GE Lighting #CBias #SocialFabric”

2 thoughts on “GE energy saving light bulbs and a simple service project! #gelightingcfk #Cbias”

  1. Wow…13 two year olds? I visit classrooms all the time for work and get antsy whenever I’m in a room with more than 10. 🙂
    I know they’ll be so excited with the bulbs and art supplies. Can’t wait to see more!


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