Festive Ideas For Decorating With Fresh Cranberries

cranberry garland with popcorn

As the holiday season approaches, it’s the perfect time to start decorating with fresh cranberries. These little crimson gems, often associated with traditional cranberry sauce, have a versatile and enchanting quality that can transform your home into a festive wonderland. Whether you’re hosting a gathering of loved ones, looking to spruce up your holiday decor, … Read more

Why You Should Leave the Leaves for Wildlife

Ah, the annual battle of the leaves—the epic showdown that pits homeowners against Mother Nature’s relentless autumnal deluge. We’ve all been there, staring out at the endless carpet of fall foliage, contemplating whether to summon the leaf-bagging army or wave the white flag of surrender. But fear not, for there’s an easy solution! There are … Read more

7 Ways to Preserve Hot Peppers

As we move into fall, the heat-loving plants are thriving and I am preserving hot peppers this month so I don’t lose my harvest as the cool weather moves in. In late spring I planted SO many different varieties of these spicy little buggers…jalapenos, habaneros, serranos, and many more. Of course, I couldn’t just plant … Read more

Choosing Eco Friendly Toys for Your Child

music toys

Compared to 50 years ago, children today are exposed to many more toxins and substances that have a questionable effect on their health. As parents, we want to protect our children as much as possible. One way to do this is to choose eco friendly toys for them to play with. Environmentally friendly toys help … Read more

Fun Things to do with Pine Cones

person painting pinecones with glitter for a pine cone craft

Everywhere I look around my house, I see pine trees. While they can present a hazard in terms of falling on houses in ice storms, they provide useful things like pine straw and pine cones.  I have stumbled across some really creative things to do with pine cones in the last few weeks and thought … Read more

Sustainable Wine Tips and the Solar Winery Trend

grapes on a vine in the sun

Have you ever considered the ecological footprint of the wine in your glass during happy hour? Many large-scale wineries strain the environment through their use of chemical pesticides and high water consumption. If you are an environmentally conscious wine lover, it’s not always easy to find sustainable wines.  As the awareness spreads, however, organic farming … Read more

Green and Sustainable Shaving Tips

sustainable shaving supplies

Most people don’t think about the environmental impact of shaving.  However, shaving creates a fair amount of waste. Millions of plastic disposable razors are thrown away each year. Add in those cans of shaving cream and you are left with a lot of trash just to have smooth legs. Want a green shaving routine? These … Read more